Life in a residential school has bigger dimensions than classes and examinations. It includes the social and personal development of the students, an aspect that is considered to be equally significant. In keeping with this understanding, students at SRM Sainik Academy are provided with access to the Peer program and academy’s personal counseling services.
The Peer program at SRMSA is offered to all students as a means of support during tough times. The role of a peer is essentially to be there for others when needed. No student at SRMSA should feel they are alone or have to deal with things on their own. A peer’s duty is to always be approachable and available to others, no matter what the need is. The peer program is a commitment that selected students make in order to help make the SRMSA experience a positive one for all students.

The Peer Encouragers (in short : PEERS) of SRM Sainik Academy encourages a supportive environment by providing a network of students willing to reach out in friendship to individuals and groups of our diverse student body. The program was put in place as a means, to support students by students. The PEERs as we like to call them are spread out within the various age group of our academy. They are selected among the elder boys. At the end of the academic year the best Peers receive a special gift for having been of service to the student body.
The Peers are given simple training in areas such as listening skills and how to appear approachable. Orientation is a big part of what the Peers do. They are the students that initiate the new comers into our community. The Peers not only show the new students around, but tend to be the initial “friendly face” they feel safe to approach, with any and all of their teething problems.
Students can contact PEERS or teachers or to the chairman of the academy when they are feeling alone, upset, or confused, sometimes when they are feeling angry and afraid. If you are experiencing problems related to being away from your family, residing in a different living environment, or adjusting to the academic, emotional and social demands, you are not alone, we are there to care for you. Many people have difficulties during these times.
Some examples of the issues that may lead the students for counseling/peers contact are
- Problems adjusting to living in a residence hall and/or with roommates
- Uncertainty about being at SRMSA
- Difficulty separating from parents and other family members
- Struggles with forming friendships
- Anxiety about meeting the academic demands
- Out of control anger
- Issues surrounding your body and food
- Feeling more sad than usual
- Poor self esteem