We have an impressive collection of academic and reference books, as well as journals and periodicals. To improve students’ vocabulary and broaden their horizons, we also have a wide selection of fiction books.  There are newspapers on display so that students can get the most up-to-date information on current affairs.

Here are a few things that our dorm parents do to ensure our engagement with the children is effective and has a positive impact :

  • ENGAGING IN CONVERSATION : We provide them with dorm treats and snacks, which include all sorts of food and drinks. During this time we make sure to sit with them and have a great time, but also talk about what’s going on in their lives. They talk to us about their day, what subjects they’re having difficulties with, which classes they enjoy the most etc. Sometimes (when we’re talking one-on-one) they open up about their personal lives as well, sometimes just to be heard, to vent, and sometimes to seek advice from us. We’re also very careful about what advice we give and think twice about what we say.
  • NEWS FROM HOME OR ELSEWHERE : Generally when good news comes from their hometowns we share in their enthusiasm, but when its bad news, we spend a lot of time with them, counseling them, talking to them etc. We’re available to them whenever they feel like talking.
  • SICKNESS : When students fall ill, we’re almost always up all night making sure it doesn’t graduate to something more dangerous or contagious. If that does happen, we call for the school van to take them to the hospital. If it’s not a serious problem we provide them with basic medicines prescribed by the doctor.
  • DISCIPLINE : We discipline them when they make a bad choice; teach them what is right and wrong and give them appropriate consequences as and when necessary.
  • HYGIENE & CLEANLINESS : We make sure every student takes a shower, make their bed in the morning, keeps their room neat and clean, keeps their shoes polished, separates their dirty clothes from their clean ones, etc. Hygiene is a very integral part of our daily routine.
  • ACADEMIC : During exams we generally stay up with the children or have an ear out for them while they study. We make coffee for them at odd hours to help them stay up but also make sure they get sufficient sleep before their exam.
  • DORM MEETING : There’s a dorm meeting held once a week where important announcements are made and issues are discussed. Everyone’s given a chance to voice their opinions on certain things, be it dorm life, classmates, an academic or teacher related issue or even small issues concerning their rooms or beds or various necessities.


“In your role as a student, it is important that you are both physically and emotionally healthy. You can’t do a good job in studies, if you don’t feel well. Being healthy makes you feel good and allow you to perform more effectively.”

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or in firmity. To ensure good health for our school students the school conducts periodical Health checkup.

We love our job because of how we have the opportunity to interact with so many students from various places and various cultural backgrounds.  We feel like we’re really making a difference by being there for them and acting as parent figures. We’re honored to be able to contribute to their adolescent years and guide them in every way possible.


It is always a happy time to celebrate birthdays in the dorm. These are usually kept quite simple, e.g. a cake and juice. It gives the opportunity for the students to be appreciated by the dorm.

Mini store room

We have a store room provision which satisfies student’s necessaries like stationery items, biscuits, glucose, papers, water bottles, toiletries and everything that a residential kid needs.